Design and Installation of Walls & Ceilings in Tall Buildings

As the market-leading manufacturer and supplier of wall and ceiling systems in Australia, we have the knowledge and expertise to help you design and construct your next tall building.

Design And Installation Of Tall Buildings Manual

Design and Installation of Walls & Ceilings in Tall Buildings Manual 

Our cities are getting more populated and with this comes pressure for land space... when the land isn’t available, the solution comes from vertical space – taller buildings.

As the market-leading manufacturer and supplier of wall and ceiling systems in Australia, Rondo can help you design and construct your next tall building.

This manual is intended to provide an overview of the following:

• The design requirements for wall and ceiling systems in tall buildings
• An overview of Rondo’s testing program, both in the laboratory and field
• What is a tall building?
• Recommendations for Rondo wall and ceiling systems installation