Save time, effort and stress with Rondo’s CPD Presentations, now available for Architects.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is classified as any learning that enhances an Architects knowledge and skills within the profession for the advancement of architecture, society and environment.

We know how much effort it can be acquiring the formal points needed to maintain your qualifications. That’s why, as part of our ongoing commitment to training, Rondo has become a registered CPD Point course provider in Australia (as accredited by AIS and AIA).




Seismic Design for Internal Wall Partitions and Suspended Ceilings:

Online Webinar: TBC

Learn more about the importance and influences of seismic design within internal wall partitions and suspended ceilings, guided by the design procedure for Australia.



External Non-Load Bearing Wall and Façade Framing Systems

Online Webinar: TBC

Design consideration and the benefits of lightweight steel in external façade based upon an interpretation of efficiency and requirements of building standards.

Meet the Presenter - Dominic Gillespie 

Rondo Webinar Presentator Dominic Gillespie


Dominic has had a firm focus on light gauge steel, having the opportunity to lead designs on large government jobs, houses across 3 different continents, commercial offices in the US, and military bases in the middle east.

He has designed everything from the structures of a building, to the screw layouts for plasterboard.

Dominic has also been on the National Board and National Technical Committee of NASH (National Association of Steel framed Housing), and is currently Rondo's representative within the Association of Wall and Ceiling Industries for Australia and New Zealand (AWCI).

Dominic holds a Diploma of Engineering from TAFE South Australia and a Bachelor of Construction Management from the University of South Australia. Dominic brings a wealth of knowledge to our CPD presentations, which he can't wait to share with you!

2022 Online Webinar CPD Presentation Dates:

TBC: External Non-Load Bearing Wall and Façade Framing Systems

TBC: Seismic Design for Internal Wall Partitions and Suspended Ceilings

Who should attend?

  • Architects who want/need to expand their design skills and understand practical methods for external facades and the use of lightweight steel
  • Architects who require formal CPD Points
  • Architects who are looking for design solutions that offer project efficiencies

During the one-hour Rondo CPD Presentation, we will take you through one or two major projects, explain the briefs, and detail on how the system solved intricate technical designs and provided onsite efficiencies.

Both projects benefited from using lightweight steel in the construction of external wall framing. This includes greater wall heights, ability to meet wind load requirements and quicker installations reducing labour time on site and offering significant cost savings to these projects.

Not only that, for your convenience, we can conduct a CPD Presentation at your office or local Rondo site or via an online webinar. 

After you have completed the course we will present you with a Rondo Certificate of Achievement, which has been approved by both AIS and AIA.

When it comes to updating your CPD points, with Rondo you can’t lose. All you have to do is register today and we will do the rest.


Register for a Rondo CPD Presentation