As technical solution providers, we are always on the lookout for ways to make your job easier.

We know that Architects are increasingly looking for assurance that the products they intend to use, conform to standards and comply with legislation so that they can be confident in their decision making. Well, now with Rondo and NATSPEC branded work sections, you can access product specifications faster and easier than ever before.

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What is NATSPEC?

NATSPEC is a national not-for-profit organisation that is owned by the design, build, construct and property industry through professional associations and Government property groups. NATSPEC relies on the specialist expertise of these groups to ensure the information they provide is up-to-date and a direct reflection of current industry practice and requirements.

NATSPEC are the preferred specification system for major building professionals including Government Departments, Architects, Contractors and Consultants.

NATSPEC maintains the National Classification System by simply helping specification writers to organise content as well as help users of this content find the information they require.

As well as this, NATSPEC allies with industry manufacturers (known as NATSPEC Product Partners) such as ourselves to create technical branded work-sections. Each branded worksections is based on the associated NATSPEC generic worksections and shares the same classification number. The editable templates are available in MS Word which follow the NATSPEC style and can be customised for your particular specification.

How do they relate to Rondo?

As a Product Partner we have created branded worksections relating to specific Rondo systems, namely, Rondo internal framed and lined partitions, suspended ceilings and access panels.

The NATSPEC branded sections offer a number of advantages to architects including:

  • Templates are approximately 90% pre-edited by Rondo meaning minimal customisation required, saving you time
  • Current product information is readily available and accessible via hyperlinks between the template and our website, reducing research time
  • Reliable industry knowledge and regular updates where required of standards and building codes For a full list of advantages, visit the NATSPEC website

Complete the below form to download a NATSPEC branded worksection:

How do you know you can rely on these work-sections?

NATSPEC Product Partner worksections cite Australian and International standards for materials and installations, so you know they can be depended on for reliable and credible information.

Not only that, Architects/Designers only select a product after determining it meets project requirements and is suitable for the application. This is why NATSPEC Editors seek evidence that NATSPEC Product Partners conform to standards and comply with legislation so they can be confident in their decision making.

NATSPEC receives a number of requests from both government departments and industry organisations to verify if products and systems conform to both Australian and international building standards.

In response to these requests (and an increasing list of non-conforming building products in the market), NATSPEC created The National Construction Project Register (NCPR), an online central register of credible and easily accessible information on conforming products for consumers, designs and contractors.

This searchable database displays construction products that comply to relevant Australian and international standards and that have been authenticated by NATSPEC. It is included in the Australian Building Code Board (ABCB) Non-Conforming Building Product section as a part of the educational resources that are readily available for the building industry.

Rondo can be found on the NCPR listed under 0453 Doors and windows - Doors and access panels